Odpoveď EU komisie ohľadom zaradenia do Smernice

From: "Andras.ZSIGMONDatec.europa.eu"
To: "Fodorová Alena"

Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2017 14:33:18 +0000
Subject: RE: specialization - diabetology
Dear Alena,

The notification would be assessed by our Unit (including myself).

In case you would notify diabetology under one of the existing specialist categories, you are kindly required to notify this via IMI through a dedicated form.

It would also be useful to provide us as background document with information on the already notified endocrinology programs to be able to assess differences and synergies.

Thank you,

From: Fodorová Alena [alena.fodorovaatminedu.sk]">mailto:alena.fodorovaatminedu.sk]
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2017 4:19 PM
Subject: specialization - diabetology

Dear András,

I would like to thank you for cooperation with Mrs. Kunová, who asked you about the procedure of adding the diabetology to the annex V- 5.1.3 . She appreciates your approach to solve the situation about the diabetology.

Regarding to your recommendation on procedure:
Slovak - CA should send to the Commission a notification concerning to the diabetologist program. Regarding to the diabetologist program I would like to ask two questions:
1. Who is competent for Commission to assess the content of the diabetologist program?

2. Do you have any recommendated structure of the content of program?e.g scope of activities or else...

How will you assess the situation when the same or similiar acitivieties will be covered by two specalization?? My question is regarding to the activities which are covered by specialization of endocrinology and probably some of activities can covered by diabetology.

Many thanks for your cooperation.

Kind regards,

Alena Fodorová
director | Centre for Recognition of Diplomas

Stromová 1 | 813 30 Bratislava | Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 2 59374 616 |
alena.fodorovaatminedu.sk | www.minedu.sk